With the 5th day of the new year already coming to an end, the contest of Amilova coming to it's fourth month and the third chapter of "Bird" begining, I felt I should strike a balance...

I can't say I'm very satisfied with the position of my comic. Since the first week it always circles around 50th place. Even though the number of participating comics dropped from 107 to 79 (!), my comic is always in the 50s.
Despite that bad statistics, the readers seem to multiply. "Bird" has, by this week, 163 votes, a solid number that grows every week. I'd like to THANK everyone who votes for my comic, it means much to me. Lately I've been getting some comments too, which keeps my chin up. Thank you everyone, who reads/likes/votes/comments on "Bird" :)

Can't say I'm surprised "Bird"s not in top 15, though.
I was completely aware this story wasn't going to be a best-seller, since it's none of the popular genres. It contains no action, no romance, no comedy, no horror.
It's a mystery. Even not a thrilling one.
And it's just the story I needed to do.
Even though it isn't much of a audience-pleaser, I hope people will stick to the end and see the mystery revealed.
Here's a much different view of my main character. Yeah, though, I added some 10 years and a pink shirt, I hope it still shows it's her.

I used a photo reference to do the pose from this site

The third chapter is the last one, so you may wonder waht will become of this blog. Well, I guess I will rearange it to suit better my next project, which, for now, i'll keep a secret.
So, next time - more page thumbs, inspirational drawings and sketches.
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